02 February 2007

clsFSOFolder - VBA

Option Explicit

' a late binding wrapper class for FSO Folder object

Private objFold As Object
Private WithEvents objFiles As clsFSOFiles
Private WithEvents objFolders As clsFSOFolders

Private lngSize As Currency
Private lngFileCount As Long

Public Event FileIndexed(FSOFile As clsFSOFile)
Public Event FolderIndexed(FSOFolder As clsFSOFolder)

' *****************************************************************************
Private Sub Class_Terminate()

Set objFolders = Nothing
Set objFiles = Nothing
Set objFold = Nothing

End Sub

' *****************************************************************************
Public Function Init(FolderPath As String) As clsFSOFolder
On Error GoTo err_handle

Dim objFSO As Object

Set objFSO = VBA.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFold = objFSO.GetFolder(VBA.Trim$(FolderPath))
Set objFSO = Nothing

Set Init = Me

Exit Function

Set objFold = Nothing
Resume exit_err

End Function

' *****************************************************************************
Public Function Create(FolderPath As String, _
Optional RecursiveAttempts As Integer = 100) As clsFSOFolder
' creates the file if it doesn't already exist

Dim strParent As String

Select Case Me.Init(FolderPath).Exists Or (RecursiveAttempts = 0)

' path doesn't exist - attempt to create the parent directory
Case False
' strip off final slash
If VBA.Right$(FolderPath, 1) = "\" Then FolderPath = VBA.Left$(FolderPath, VBA.Len(FolderPath) - 1)
' get the parent directory
strParent = VBA.Left$(FolderPath, VBA.InStrRev(FolderPath, "\"))

' does the parent directory exist?
Select Case Me.Init(strParent).Exists

' create a new FSO and create the directory
Case True
Set Create = FSOCreate(FolderPath)

' recursively call create to create the parent
Case False
Me.Create strParent, RecursiveAttempts - 1
Set Create = FSOCreate(FolderPath)

End Select

' path exists - return reference to FSO Object
Case True
Set Create = Me

End Select

End Function
' *****************************************************************************
Private Function FSOCreate(FolderPath As String) As clsFSOFolder
On Error Resume Next

Dim objFSO As Object

Set objFSO = VBA.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
objFSO.CreateFolder FolderPath
Set objFSO = Nothing
Set FSOCreate = Me.Init(FolderPath)

End Function

' *****************************************************************************
Public Function DateCreated() As Date
DateCreated = objFold.DateCreated
End Function

' *****************************************************************************
Public Function Path() As String

Const acSLASH As String = "\"

Dim strReturn As String

strReturn = objFold.Path
Select Case VBA.Right$(strReturn, 1)
Case Is <> acSLASH
Path = strReturn & acSLASH
Case Else
Path = strReturn
End Select

End Function

' *****************************************************************************
Public Function DateLastAccessed() As Date
DateLastAccessed = objFold.DateLastAccessed
End Function

' *****************************************************************************
Public Function DateLastModified() As Date
DateLastModified = objFold.DateLastModified
End Function

' *****************************************************************************
Public Function name() As String
name = objFold.name
End Function

' *****************************************************************************
Public Function ParentFolder() As clsFSOFolder

Dim objFolder As clsFSOFolder
Set objFolder = New clsFSOFolder
Set ParentFolder = objFolder.Init(objFold.ParentFolder)
Set objFolder = Nothing

End Function

' *****************************************************************************
Public Function Size() As Currency
Size = objFold.Size
End Function

' *****************************************************************************
Public Function FolderType() As String
FolderType = objFold.FolderType
End Function

' *****************************************************************************
Public Function SubFolders() As clsFSOFolders

Select Case objFolders Is Nothing

Case False
Set SubFolders = objFolders

Case True
Set objFolders = New clsFSOFolders
Set SubFolders = objFolders.Init(objFold.SubFolders)

End Select

End Function

' *****************************************************************************
Public Function Files() As clsFSOFiles

Select Case objFiles Is Nothing

Case False
Set Files = objFiles

Case True
Set objFiles = New clsFSOFiles
Set Files = objFiles.Init(objFold.Files)

End Select

End Function

' *****************************************************************************
Public Function Move(Destination As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo err_handle

objFold.Move Destination
Move = True


Exit Function

Move = False
Resume exit_err

End Function

' *****************************************************************************
Public Function Changed() As Boolean
' indicates if the contents of the folder have changed

Changed = (objFold.Files.Count <> lngFileCount) Or _
(Me.Size <> lngSize)

lngSize = Me.Size
lngFileCount = objFold.Files.Count

End Function

' *****************************************************************************
Public Function Exists() As Boolean

Exists = Not objFold Is Nothing

End Function

' *****************************************************************************
Private Sub objFiles_FileIndexed(FSOFile As clsFSOFile)

RaiseEvent FileIndexed(FSOFile)

End Sub

' *****************************************************************************
Private Sub objFolders_FolderIndexed(FSOFolder As clsFSOFolder)

RaiseEvent FolderIndexed(FSOFolder)

End Sub