These methods extend the container object and make it easier to set and retrieve values from the controls within the container. A great benefit is that the search will go into all the nested containers as well.
// Shortcut for adding methods to the prototype
Function.prototype.method = function (name, func) {
this.prototype[name] = func;
return this;
// Works on all containers (windows, formformpanels, etc.) and will
// even search subcontainers. The control must have an identifiable id
// and a setValue method.
// In this method c is the control id and v is the value to be set.
Ext.Container.method('setValue', function (c, v) {
// Works on all containers as above. The control must have an identifiable
// id and a getValue method.
// In this method, c is the control id of the value to be retrieved.
Ext.Container.method('getValue', function (c) {
return this.findById(c).getValue();
Using these functions on the container saves a tremendous amount of code devoted to looking up and setting values. Just create a variable for the container and then use the getValue retrieve the value or setValue to set the value.
For instance, if you have a window object named 'win' and a textbox with an id of 'txtName', you can merely use:
win.setValue('txtName', 'Michael');Doing so will set the TextBox value to Michael, even if it is deeply nested in a form panel and several columns.